
"papa-livros", título proposto pelos alunos do 9º ano (2007/08), é o "blogue" da BE/CRE da Escola Secundária de Sampaio.
Está aberto à participação de todos (alunos, professores, funcionários e pais/encarregados de educação).
Se quiseres participar, envia o teu texto/imagens para

quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2011

Para todos aqueles que gostam de arte e para professores e alunos, sugerimos este sítio:

E fica aqui um resumo ( em inglês) deste projecto do Google e algumas das funcionalidades que lhe estão associadas:

What is the ‘Art Project’?
A unique collaboration with some of the world’s most acclaimed art museums to enable people to discover and view more than a thousand artworks online in extraordinary detail.

Explore museums with Street View technology: virtually move around the museum’s galleries, selecting works of art that interest you, navigate though interactive floor plans and learn more about the museum and you explore.
Artwork View: discover featured artworks at high resolution and use the custom viewer to zoom into paintings. Expanding the info panel allows you to read more about an artwork, find more works by that artist and watch related YouTube videos.

Create your own collection: the ‘Create an Artwork Collection’ feature allows you to save specific views of any of the 1000+ artworks and build your own personalised collection. Comments can be added to each painting and the whole collection can then be shared with friends and family. (in

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